Two weeks ago, our clinic began treating a new patient who has been experiencing the following symptoms:

  1. Walking difficulties: While he doesn’t experience tremors, he struggles with mobility. He can only walk straight without making turns and often gets stuck when trying to start walking. He has trouble walking through doorways and struggles with balance, leading to frequent falls. Currently, he relies on medication to control his walking.
  2. Communication challenges: He has become less inclined to speak or write, and it can be hard for others to understand him. His handwriting began to shrink noticeably around 2016–2017, and walking issues became evident in late 2021.
  3. Lower back pain: He started experiencing back pain in 2019.

First Visit Results:

  1. The frequency of falls significantly decreased.
  2. He began engaging in conversations and even had a disagreement with his wife, showing improved cognitive engagement.
  3. He adjusted his walking speed to be slower, allowing better control and reducing the risk of injury.

We observed that he had a clearer mind and better control over his movements, leading to fewer fall-related injuries.

Second Visit Results:

  1. No falls were reported in the past week.
  2. He was able to make turns while walking, such as turning towards the clinic bed.

I’m genuinely surprised by the progress we’ve seen in just two weeks.

The patient first started showing symptoms of Parkinson’s disease about six to seven years ago. Last year, they sought treatment combining Chinese and Western medicine at Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan for four months, but unfortunately, there was no improvement. That’s when they found us. While we can’t guarantee specific results, this case is an encouraging example of what’s possible.

  1. 行走困難:雖然他沒有顫抖的症狀,但在行走上遇到很大的困難。他只能直線行走,無法轉彎,並且在開始走路時常常卡住。他在穿過門口時會遇到問題,且平衡感不佳,經常摔倒。目前,他依賴藥物來控制行走。
  2. 溝通障礙:他不太願意說話或書寫,並且很難讓別人理解。他的字跡從2016到2017年間開始變小,而行走問題在2021年末開始顯現。
  3. 腰痛:他從2019年開始感到腰部疼痛。


  1. 摔倒的頻率大大減少。
  2. 他開始與妻子溝通,甚至有過爭論,這顯示出他的認知參與有所改善。
  3. 他調整了自己的行走速度,讓步伐變得較慢,從而更好地控制自己,減少受傷的風險。



  1. 在過去一週內,沒有再發生摔倒。
  2. 他能夠在行走時轉彎,例如朝向診療床走去。


