NIH Library of Medicine PubMed Central

Journal List  Med Gas Res  v.13(2); Apr-Jun 2023  PMC9555030

Despite prior warnings about the hazards associated with hydrogen gas inhalers, inhalers carrying explosive risks are still available in the market. This study delves into past incidents of hydrogen gas inhaler explosions to identify the root causes behind these accidents. The investigation revealed that the primary factor contributing to these explosions is the leakage of hydrogen gas within the inhaler. While it is commonly believed that hydrogen is explosively concentrated between 10% and 75%, and no explosion occurs above 75% due to oxygen deficiency, ignition experiments demonstrated that explosions can happen even in inhalers producing 100% hydrogen gas. Some manufacturers argue that the high concentration and purity of hydrogen are safe and devoid of explosion risks. The assertion is that producing or selling such products, which pose a threat of explosion or detonation, goes against principles of social justice. This paper provides insights for choosing safe hydrogen gas inhalers based on an analysis of past accident cases.


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